Company Profile

heroal, one of the leading aluminium system specialists, develops and produces systems that are matched to each other for windows and doors, curtain walls, roller shutters, roller doors and sun protection. heroal systems are setting standards in innovation and quality.

The heroal portfolio stands for engineering work "Made in Germany" with top system characteristics and is systematically oriented to customer requirements - from the development at highly specialized production locations through to it´s application. The guiding principle of the company is the systematic linkage of cost efficiency and ecology in all areas of business. The company uses recycled aluminium as well as renewable resources in the "green" insulation strips. heroal operates a combined heat and power plant and meets high standards in its fleet of vehicles. The system-solutions ensure efficiency from the planning stage, through production and all the way to use in buildings. As a medium-sized company with a long tradition, heroal is the employer for around 900 employees.

heroal Corporate Movie

Form of Enterprise
heroal – Johann Henkenjohann GmbH & Co. KG

Dr Max Schöne, Dr. Ramon Knollmann

ca. 900

heroal products are sold to more than 3.500 customers worldwide.

System Portfolio

The portfolio encompasses the product categories:

  • Roller shutter and roller door systems
  • Sun protection systems
  • Window and door systems
  • Curtain wall systems

heroal is the world market leader for aluminium roller shutter slats.

Production Locations

  • Plant I in Verl (production, administration, testing centre)
  • Plant II in Hövelhof (production, packaging, storage, surface finishing)
  • Plant III in Hövelhof (logistics and model house)

heroal Whistleblowing System

As a company, we stand for innovation, quality, and a customer focused culture, and attach great importance to open communication, honesty and a business relationship based on partnership. Therefore, we offer you a confidential communication channel: the heroal whistleblowing system. This channel offers you the possibility of reporting potentially serious violations of laws and regulations or internal guidelines via the web-based whistleblowing system. heroal Compliance will follow up on all information received, ensuring confidentiality and compliance with data protection regulations. We grant all whistleblowers absolute anonymity and protection. heroal’s whistleblowing system meets all requirements of the new EU Whistleblowing Directive and the principle of confidentiality for whistleblowers and parties concerned, fully compliant with GDPR. Another core element of the heroal Compliance is the heroal Code of Conduct, which outlines binding minimum standards for the responsible and ethical behaviour towards our employees, business partners, the society, and the environment.

Go to whistleblowing system > Code of Conduct


  • Dekra Certification, Stuttgart: ISO 9001:2015 for the areas "Development, Production, Coating and Sales" as well as "Distribution and Logistics."
  • Metall-Zert, Essen: Certificate ref. to the factory-owned production control for load-bearing building parts and construction sets for steel structures up to EXC2 acc. to EN 1090-2
  • Institut für Fenstertechnik (ift) [Institute for Window Technology], Rosenheim: System provider impact resistant building elements, windows and doors
  • Institut für Fenstertechnik (ift) [Institute for Window Technology], Rosenheim: Serviceability of building elements, soundproofing and fire protection
  • Institut für Fenstertechnik (ift) [Institute for Window Technology], Rosenheim: ift-certified specialist for the calculation of heat transfer coefficients
  • Institut für Fenstertechnik (ift) [Institute for Window Technology], Rosenheim: Thermally insulated metal plastic composite profiles for windows and external doors
  • Institut für Fenstertechnik (ift) [Institute for Window Technology], Rosenheim and PIV, Velbert: Cooperation agreements to carry out external tests on heroal test stands
  • Qualicoat, Zurich: surface finishing
  • Seal of Quality of the “Gütesiegel der Qualitätsgemeinschaft für die Stückbeschichtung von Bauteilen“ (GSB International e.V.) [Quality Association for Coated Building Materials], Düsseldorf: official GSB Premium surface finisher
  • Aluminium and Environment in widows and façade construction (A/U/F), Frankfurt: Sustainability and Responsibility in Ecology and Economy
  • Materialprüfungsanstalt (MPA) [Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing] for the construction industry, Braunschweig, MPA North-Rhine Westphalia, Dortmund as well as Holzforschung [Wood Research] Austria: fire and smoke protection
  • Institut für geprüfte Sicherheit [Institute for Tested Safety] (IGS) eGen, Linz: Hail protection roller shutters and shutter systems
  • Minergie-Standard: rational use of energy and broad use of renewable energies
  • Certificate of the des Bundesverbands Rollladen + Sonnenschutz e.V. "RSQ-Seal“: "Burglary resistant roller shutters + sun protection“ for heroal Safe light
  • VOC emission test according to AgBB scheme and VOC regulation according to DIN EN 16516

Your advantages through heroal certifications

Reinforcement of high quality standards

Use heroal certifications in your daily communication to boost the high quality standard of your production and your products. In addition, certifications serve as certificates of conformity for non-regulated construction products and techniques.

Improved communication with customers and marketing

Certificates create trust with your customers and may positively influence their buying decisions. You can use a number of the certificates and quality seals achieved by heroal and also the awards presented to heroal for your marketing activities and daily communication with your customers.

Competitive differentiation

Stand out from the competition and benefit from certificates and quality seals which other companies in the market cannot use in their communication with customers.

Creating trust – fast, easily

Achieving a certification may take quite some time sometimes. As one of heroal’s specialist partners, you can use a lot of the certifications and quality seals achieved by heroal or join an existing certification with no additional effort.

Joining certifications

For example, as a heroal system taker, you can join the ift certification for warp-reducing components and benefit not only from marking your products with the „ift-certified“ label, but also from heroal training options and assembly instructions.